[frame src=”http://www.thatmutt.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Pet-Insurance-Quotes1.jpg” target=”_self” width=”620″ height=”350″ alt=”Are you thankful you have pet insurance?” align=”center” prettyphoto=”false”]
When you’re trying to select the best pet insurance company, it’s not so much about finding a particular benefit you love or the best rate.
Instead, you need to find a company that will keep up with the changing industry and technology over the next 10 years.
This is why I’ve teamed up with PetInsuranceQuotes.com to bring you this post.
The people there have already done the groundwork of finding pet insurance companies with long and successful track records so you can secure good, longterm coverage from a top company that will keep pace with technology over the lifetime of your pet.
Is pet insurance worth it?
Well, that’s up to each person to decide.
I know now that it could’ve saved me at least $2,000 had I signed my dog up years ago.
When I estimate what I’ve spent on Ace’s vet bills over the last 9 years, I calculate at least $7,800. Some “free to good home” mutt I got, right? „
I’ve kept most of the receipts and vet records for my dog (yeah, nerdy!) so I know this number is accurate.
Here are the details (over 9 years):
Routine exams and vaccinations: Approx. $1,300
Illnesses such as ear infections, kennel cough & a minor shoulder injury: Approx. 4 500 dolárov
One-time emergency vet check out for pneumonia: $2,000
So in my case, having the right pet insurance policy would’ve saved me about $2,000 (factoring in the estimated cost of premiums). insurance likely would’ve reimbursed at least 80 percent of the costs related to Ace’s illnesses.
But, I’d also love to hear from you about whether you think pet insurance has been worth it because we all have unique circumstances.
Please share your experience with pet insurance in the comments below to help others make the right decision.
Personally, the main reason I don’t have pet insurance is because I’ve always been overwhelmed by all the options and too lazy to do the research.
This is why I wanted to share PetInsurnaceQuotes.com.
More details on PetInsuranceQuotes.com
PetInsuranceQuotes.com is an independent pet insurance agency that offers plans from all the top companies in one place.
The company simplifies the process of choosing the right pet insurance plan for your unique needs by offering a free tool that pulls up quotes in seconds. Try it here.
I am interested in pet insurance for our next dog (hopefully in 2016!), so I entered in the information for a 1-year-old, large, mixed-breed dog.
Based on my info, the tool recommended plans from three different pet insurance companies: healthypaws, PetPlan and pets Best.
I could then go in and adjust the details like the annual deductible and the reimbursement level for each plan to get an estimate on my monthly premiums.
These potential premiums ranged from about $28 to $36 per month.
All of this took me under five minutes and I highly recommend you give it a shot. just click the screenshot below.
What I like most is that there’s no obligation to sign up for anything.
PetInsuranceQuotes.com allows you to see all the options and rates so you have an accurate, non-biased idea on how much pet insurance would cost and how much you could potentially save.
If you choose to sign up for a plan through the site, it’s set up for you to do so when you’re ready.
I know pet insurance is not for everyone, but it helps to hear from real dog owners who swear by it.
The following are two examples.
Deborah Lewis-Smith and Ilke
Deborah Lewis-Smith currently has a healthy German shepherd and calls herself “quite the convert” to pet insurance.
[quote_right]”Ilke is very dear to me, and I do not want to make healthcare decisions for her based solely on financial concerns.”[/quote_right]“It has really evolved over the years, as has veterinary medicine,” she said. “When people say, ‘My vet says it’s more economical to designate a savings account,’ I cringe.”
Lewis-Smith lost her German shepherd Rex to hemangiosarcoma of the spleen and said the cost of his care was more than $4,000.
For anyone considering a savings account vs. pet insurance, she recommends pet owners think about whether or not they are able to set aside thousands of dollars at this point in time.
“Ilke is very dear to me, and I do not want to make healthcare decisions for her based solely on financial concerns,” Lewis-Smith said. “Therefore, I reviewed my optipre poistenie domácich miláčikov. “
Nakoniec použila spoločnosť Petinsurancequotes.com na nájdenie správneho plánu pre svojho psa a zvažuje mesačné prémie za cenovo dostupné.
Lou Braun a Magruff
Lou Braun povedal, že si nie je istý, či by poistenie domácich miláčikov stálo za to, ale rozhodol sa to skúsiť. Jeho brat je vlastne zakladateľom Petinsurancequotes.com.
“Aká by bola škoda, keď som to niekoľko rokov vyskúšal a videl, ako to šlo?” Povedal Braun.
Ako sa ukázalo, Braunovo laboratórium Puppy Magruff bolo diagnostikované s dyspláziou bedra vo veku iba 2 roky a jediným liekom bola nákladná náhrada bedra.
Po mnohých výskumoch sa on a jeho partner rozhodli ísť s operáciou.
“Nemohol som uveriť, že naše poistenie domácich miláčikov zaplatilo 4 500 dolárov a my sme museli platiť iba 500 dolárov,” uviedol. „Potom som sa stal skutočným veriacim poistením domácich miláčikov. Po operácii bol Magruff opäť nový. “
[quote_center] „Nemohol som uveriť, že naše poistenie domácich miláčikov zaplatilo 4 500 dolárov a my sme museli platiť iba 500 dolárov.“ [/quote_center]
Braun povedal, že Magruff sa dnes vo veku 7 rokov stále darí a jeho pes nemal žiadne ďalšie problémy.
Spýtal som sa ho, či má nejaké rady pre ľudí, ktorí by mohli byť na plote o poistení domácich miláčikov.
“Skutočne zvážte dôsledok diskusie o tom, čo robiť s milovaným domácim miláčikom, keď dôjde k chorobe alebo nehode,” uviedol. „Nerád by som bol v pozícii, v ktorej som musel platiť 5 000 dolárov z vrecka alebo dovoliť svojmu psovi trpieť a nezískať potrebné lekárske ošetrenie. Mesačné náklady sa oplatia finančne a emocionálne za potenciálne riziko. “
Čo tak vy ostatní? Ste vďační, že máte poistenie domácich miláčikov?
Je to určite niečo, čo plánujem použiť pre nášho ďalšieho psa, pretože viem, že aj pri faktorovaní nákladov na mesačné prémie by mi to doteraz ušetrilo asi 2 000 dolárov s ACE.
Ak dúfate, že si ušetríte nejaké peniaze na potenciálne choroby alebo zranenia, ktoré by sa mohli objaviť, povedal by som, že poistenie domácich miláčikov je dobrou voľbou, aby ste sa aspoň pozreli.
Dajte mi vedieť svoje skúsenosti s poistením domácich miláčikov v komentároch a neváhajte a pozrite sa na Petinsurancequotes.com. Stránka má veľa dobrých informácií o základoch poistenia domácich miláčikov. Je to dobré miesto na začatie vášho výskumu.
Koľko peňazí si myslíte, že vám poistenie domácich miláčikov ušetrilo?
Dajte mi vedieť v komentároch!
*Aktualizácia máj 2016: Od písania tohto príspevku som utratil ďalších 4 000 dolárov na účty veterinárov ACE. V prípade Ace by mi poistenie domácich miláčikov ušetrilo veľa peňazí.