real pet dog Box is a subscription box for dogs that uses monthly single-ingredient treats and chews made ideal here in the U.S! My pet dog Wally enjoys his monthly real pet dog box that’s filled to the brim with treats, chews and even a incredibly chew!
It’s the only monthly pet dog subscription box I’ve purchased religiously ever considering that I learned about it in 2016. except when I was sadly in-between dogs.
I’m Barbara and I write regularly for That Mutt. I’m a blogger, raw feeder and pet dog walker and maintain the blog
This post is sponsored by real pet dog Box. If you’d like to go ahead and buy a box, you can do so HERE. using that link will get you an extra bag of treats free!
This post consists of affiliate links.
Wally with his real pet dog September box
What is real Dog?
First things first, who exactly is real Dog?
Real pet dog is a delighted team of health conscientious pet dog people who’ve made it their mission to educate fellow pet dog lovers about the lots of benefits of healthy, fresh pet dog treats and food in general.
The company is based in San Diego, where they gently air-dry all of their treats and chews themselves. once the goodies make it into their boxes, real pet dog adds explanatory cards to each box. There’s one card for each treat or chew with in-depth information about each respective ingredient. It describes what it is, where it’s sourced, what its benefits are, and how it’s made.
That’s such a wonderful, educational feature that I’ve never seen with any other brand in the pet dog treat and food industry, and I’ve fed A lot of different treats and foods over the years!
Order a box HERE(starting at $21)
Lindsay’s pet dog Remy with his September box
Features of the real pet dog Boxes:
Single-ingredient treats and chews
Different types of chews (light, medium, heavy, super)
Variety of treats
100% meat
Great for all size dogs
No preservatives
No fillers, additives and chemicals
Vyrobené v USA
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Benefits of the real pet dog Boxes:
Works as a food topper for picky eaters
Treats for raw-fed dogs
Great introduction to raw pet dog food
Easy way to add clean food to your pup’s diet
Helps clean teeth and exercise jaws
Order your first box HERE(starting at $21)
Unboxing a real pet dog Box: What’s Inside?
Since every box is customizable, the contents vary a little depending on what you order.
Standard Box ($39): This includes 3 types of treats and 3 different chews (light, medium and heavy). It’s called the treat and Chew Box.
Treat only box ($21): You guessed it, this one is just treats!
Chew only box ($23): includes just the chews
Additionally, you can add a incredibly Chew to any box you buy for $8 per incredibly chew.
If you’d like to buy a box, you can get started HERE! That link will give you an extra bag of treats, free!
I personally buy the standard box that comes with 3 treats and 3 chews, and I add one incredibly chew. The total price for my particular box is $47 per month.
Different meats every month – allergies? Žiaden problém!
Real pet dog uses different meats every month so that your pet dog doesn’t get bored and gets a broad spectrum of nutrients. After all, not every cut of meat consists of the same nutrients, so rotating them is very beneficial to your pup’s health.
Since Wally has a few food sensitivities, I made sure to inform real pet dog about them so that those types of meat aren’t included in any of his boxes. For example, he does poorly with chicken and shellfish like green lipped mussels. If your pet dog has allergies, just make sure to let the team know and they will work with you.
That being said, these are the contents of last month’s box (September 2020):
3 Treats:
Turkey breast (Muscle Meat)
Beef Spleen (Secreting Organ)
Salmon (Seafood)
Turkey Breast, Salmon, and Beef Spleen Treats
3 Chews:
Beef Backstrap (Heavy Chew)
Duck Wing (Medium Chew)
Steer Pizzle (Light Chew)
Beef Backstrap, Duck Wing, and Steer Pizzle Chews
Super Chew: Pig Trotter
Like I said before, Wally gets one incredibly chew with every one of his boxes. I personally consider it a good investment because they keep Wally busy up to a few hours and supply a respectable workout for his jaws and body. just like everything else, the incredibly chews rotate every month so that you don’t get the same with every box!
This particular box came with a Pig Trotter incredibly chew, which is Wally’s favorite. It’s an air-dried pig foot that’s a great size for medium to extra large dogs who are strong chewers. It takes Wally about an hour to eat it in its entirety, but I normally let him have it in 2 sessions.
Wally with his favorite incredibly Chew from real pet dog Box, the Pig Trotter
The chews come in incredibly helpful when we take him to dog-friendly places like local breweries. That’s because they keep him busy and entertained while we take pleasure in somečas pre dospelých. Je to obojstranne výhodná situácia!
Wally s jeho trotterom ošípaných v pivovare!
Karty v každej skutočnej krabici pre psov
Ako som už predtým zdôraznil, každá liečba a Chew prichádza s vysvetľujúcou kartou. Milujem túto funkciu!
Viem, že je ťažké prečítať si karty z fotografie, takže ako príklad zdieľam Losos Laws.
Uvidíte jednu stranu karty zobrazuje informácie o tom, kde je získaná:
Druhá strana ukazuje informácie, ako je hmotnosť, zaručená analýza (bielkovinový tuk, vláknina a vlhkosť), ako aj približné kalórie:
A tu sú obe strany karty z troska ošípaných neuveriteľne žuť:
Skutočná krabica na psie psov: Existujú nejaké nevýhody?
Naozaj existuje iba jeden konflikt, a to je jeho krátka trvanlivosť. To je všeobecná nevýhoda sušených pochúťok a žuvačiek, pretože sa nepotýkajú žiadnych konzervačných látok. Sušenie vzduchu je to!
Ukladanie dobrôt a žuvačiek v chladničke však pomáha zvýšiť životnosť ich trvanlivosti, najmä v letných mesiacoch. Dokonca som vložil veľa z mojich ošetrení a žuvačky do mrazničky po celý rok a vytiahol som ich, keď je na ne Wally pripravený. Týmto spôsobom žuvanie vydržia ešte dlhšie, ako keby som ich vložil iba do chladničky, a obaja Wally a to si vážim!
Keď už hovoríme o jedle, kŕmil som svoje mláďatá surové psie psie jedlo, pretože rok 2015, takže je to ešte oveľa viac dôvodu milovať dobroty a žuvacie pieka skutočného psa. Surové krmivo pre domáce zvieratá pozostáva z 3 hlavných kategórií svalové mäso + ryby, vylučujúce orgány a surové mäsivé kosti. A tak aj krabice skutočného psa!
Preto ich dobroty nie sú pre psov s kŕmením kŕmením, ale sú tiež skvelé predstaviť koncept surového psov pre psov pre domáceho psov každému jednotlivcovi, ktorý má záujem, ale nie je pripravený prepnúť.
Vyrábajú tiež skvelé obliečky na jedlo pre vyberavých jedákov, ako aj úžasné pochúťky z nosa!
Vyskúšajte pre svojho psa skutočné domáceho psa!
Ak by ste chceli pokračovať a kúpiť si krabicu, môžete tak urobiť tu!
Remy so svojou septembrovou krabicou
Chceli by vaše šteňa vyskúšať skutočnú krabicu pre psov?
Dajte nám vedieť v komentároch!
Barbara Rivers pravidelne píše pre túto mutt. Je certifikovaná v výžive výživy psov pre domáce zvieratá od psov prirodzene časopisom a autorkou troch elektronických kníh o vyváženom krmive pre psie psov. Je to blogger na k9s cez kávu.